Arctic Chess Challenge |



GM Zoltan Gyimesi

GM Zoltan Gyimesi (HUN)

Hungarian GM Guymesi is 33 years old and ranked No.7 in Hungary. With a rating of  2600, he is currently ranked 13th of the 28 grandmasters in this year’s tournament. He completed his grandmaster title in 1996 and has since  participated with success in four chess Olympiads. In the 30 Olympic games, he has scored over 60% and contributed greatly to the Hungarian silver medal in the Olympics in Bled, Slovenia in 2002. He has won the Hungarian championship once, in 2005. His best international achievements are shared first place in Capelle La Grande in 2003 and shared victory in the European Individual Open with this year’s ACC-participating GM Mateusz Bartel of Poland. He beat Super Grandmaster Wang Hao (2722) from China with black in a tournament in Beijing 2008.

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1 kommentar for GM Zoltan Gyimesi

rami tal | 4. januar, 2012 at 22:16

Iwould like to invite you to internationl tournament in tel-aviv and take part in the Israel leage

Rami Tal

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